Here we are!
Our first steps on social media have been made. It has taken some time but here we are! It might sound a bit strange why we have done this only now but before Covid there was no real reason to it seems. We designed and developed our products, we partook in trade fairs, met our customers there and were very busy with preparing samples and orders for them. And then it all stopped, well, not the samples and the orders but the trade fairs and the face-to-face contacts with the customers.
We heard that even when the world will go back to normal, the way we do business has changed forever. Social media has overnight become the major way to contact old customers and meet new ones and we finally joined up. Our idea is to involve you in our business. There are so many possibilities with the products and materials we work with and we think that showing all of this via this new way will also give you new insights and fresh insights for new products. We strive to become more and more responsible in the way we produce and together with you we can. So please follow us, we promise that we won’t let you down.